Sunday, October 7, 2012


I haven't posted here in so long, dear blogledites, and yes, I've had a lot going on in my life, but also I've felt sort of defeated of late. For those of you who've never done it, let me tell you: the self-publishing world can chew you up and spit you out if you're not prepared for it.

It was never my goal to make a fortune with this book. Let's face it: these days you only make a fortune if you write crap, a la The Da Vinci Code or Fifty Shades. My goal with my book was just to have people read it and enjoy it. I've been frustrated by how few people seem to be purchasing it not because I wanted to make $$$, but because that means so few people are reading it!

I've decided to take a philosophical view on the issue from now on. I write for me, and the rest is just details. People buy it or they don't; they read it or they don't. At least I know I've put out a high-quality product that I enjoy.

In other news, I got a new 5-star review! That helps.  :)  It came with this handy-dandy sticker...

You can find it HERE. I also received two new reviews from the lovely ladies at Famous Five Plus. You can find those HERE.

That's about all from me today. I'll try to be less of a slacker from now on!


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